10 reasons to keep your cats indoors

Cats are exposed to a lot of danger outside of the safety of your home! This is not just a statement; this is a fact. I have seen cats hurt on the street due to different reasons and people don’t even care enough to help them. If you have a cat, you will understand how much it hurts to see another cat being harmed, even if it is not your own cat. Here are some of the things that prove that cats are safer indoor:

1. Won’t get hit by vehicles:

So many cats get hurt or die by getting run over by some car, bus or any other vehicle. You wouldn’t want that to happen to your cat, would you now? The only safe option against this is if you keep your cat indoors because you never know what can happen.

2. Won’t get poisoned:

When your cat is outdoors and alone, it may get itself into trouble. Outdoor cats have a high risk of exposing themselves to ethylene glycol (antifreeze) poisoning. If not that then they could be harmed by lawn pesticides, poisoning from spoiled food in trash cans, rodent poisons and sometimes intentional poisoning from people. Yes, some people can be that harsh! To protect your cat from these health hazards by keeping it indoors.

3. Catfights:

Catfights are very common. Cats are quite territorial, and fight strange cats that enter their territory. They also sometimes fight for food or it may be part of mating, particularly if there are sterilized cats involved. It may also be that dogs attack your cat, causing injury and damage. It’s extremely risky for them to be outside on their own, subject to attack. Veterinary bills are also very expensive if your cat is injured or develops the infection from bites.

4. Disease:

If your cat is outside, it will be at risk of catching multiple diseases. The environment itself can be very harmful to your poor little cat., particularly if your cat is not regularly vaccinated.  It can catch various contagious diseases from other animals and is more exposed to worms, ticks or fleas.

5. Better health monitoring

If your cat is inside, you can better monitor toileting and eating habits, guaranteeing that it will get more care and nourishment. It will get better food to eat, will be well taken care of, bathed if needed and taken to the vet if something goes wrong. So, I guess it’s pretty obvious that a cat is much safer inside the house.

6. A controlled intake of food:

Obviously, if your cat is inside the house, you have good control of feeding it as much as is required for optimum health benefit. Not more, not less. But when a cat is outdoors, you don’t know what kind of trash it would end up consuming,

7. No human cruelty:

You wouldn’t believe how many people are out there who are actually willing to take their frustrations out on a cat. or think it fun to hurt or tease a cat.  If your cat stays indoors, it is protected from freaks who are trying to hurt the poor little creature.

8. Always under observation:

A cat is like a little child. You wouldn’t leave a little child alone on the street, would you? You would keep him inside where you can keep an eye on him. Similar is the case with cats, you need to keep an eye on them and you can only do that if they are indoors, where you can look after them.

9. Overpopulation:

If you have not sterilized your cat, then it will either get pregnant (female) or fight to mate (male). Overpopulation and unwanted kittens are a major problem, as cats can have 3 liters per year, with multiple kittens in each litter. It is terrible how many poor little kittens are abandoned on the streets and put to sleep due to the lack of resources and proper loving homes to take care of them.

10. Longer life spans:

It’s safer for your cat to be indoors because that way, they would get to live a longer, happier and healthier life. They will get all the care and protection that they require, and they will be happier than you can imagine. So keep your cats safe and keep them indoors, and you can have them to love for a long time. Keep your pets safe and sheltered in your loving and Cat Evolution will take care of the basic necessities of your fur baby.

You can provide quality playtime to your little kitty through modern accessories like wooden cat tree and cat beds. These are safe to play and easy to place even in the little space. Cat pods are very adjustable to be placed under the table.


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